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a wall covered with paintings, vinyl records and small sculptures, on a carpet photos and newsclipings
Georges Adéagbo "La Porte, derrière la Porte, qu-est-ce qu'il y a derrière la porte?" 2012-2024 photo: Stephan Köhler (c) Georges Adéagbo photo: Stephan Köhler (c) Georges Adéagbo

"Revelation" Art du Benin, opening October 3rd, Paris, Vielle Conciergerie

Georges Adéagbo will contribute an installation to "Révélation" the travelling group show of 34 Benin artists the assemblage called "La Porte, derrière la porte, qu'est-ce qu'il y a derrière la porte?" It was composed and first shown when Okwui invited him to the Paris Triennale in 2012. See exhibitions. He added newspaper articles and images that relate to what happened while he was installing this modified version.

Art from Benin in Paris at the Conciergerie The touring exhibition was in Rabat and Martinique Adéagbo will show this work in Paris
in a hall with gothic vaults, a white wall with numerous paintings photos and vinyl records.
Georges Adéagbo "La Porte, derrière la Porte, qu-est-ce qu'il y a derrière la porte?" 2012-2024 photo: Stephan Köhler (c) Georges Adéagbo photo: Stephan Köhler (c) Georges Adéagbo